A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Ruby on Rails Website


The Ruby on Rails framework is used to create websites.

The Rails framework is based on Ruby.

David Heinemeier Hansson created it in 2005, and it has since become well-known among Internet “startups” thanks to its widespread use by companies like Stripe, Uber, and Groupon.

This lesson is meant to be a starting point for those interested in learning Ruby on Rails. I won’t go into detail because I only want to show you how an application is generally organized. If you do as I suggest, you will better understand how these programs function.

Internet Programs

There isn’t any difference in how each program operates –

One enters data.
The processing of data
Information is produced
Data entry and processing will look different depending on the system your app is designed for. The format of the output is application-specific.
Web apps are distinct because their logic is executed on a server, and data IO is transmitted over the Internet (through the HTTP protocol).

The difficulty of creating web apps comes from the need to take incoming data and respond to it. A web server program (like NGinx or Apache) manages this for you. In a moment, I’ll elaborate.

Stack of Programs

The software “stack” is something that must be taken into account whenever new code is written.

The “stack” refers to the programs needed to launch your app. Examples of components that might make up a “stack” in desktop gaming include DirectX and a specific graphics driver.

For would-be web app developers, the most significant barrier is learning the inner workings of the “web” software stack. The Web is functionally equivalent to locally installed apps, with one key distinction: it lacks a persistent state.

The HyperText Transfer Protocol is what makes the “Internet” work. Since each request is handled separately, this is known as a “stateless” protocol. In contrast to stateful protocols, Stateless protocols must constantly recreate the application’s state.

While this may not make much sense to the average reader, it does emphasize the importance of using a framework or technology stack that integrates the stateless aspect of HTTP into your web-based application. Most importantly, you will need authentication that recreates the user’s session with each request (I’ll elaborate in a moment).

Ruby versus PHP

Ruby (the language) is similar to PHP in that both are procedural and find widespread use on the World Wide Web.

On the other hand, Ruby requires a proxy to be accessed from the client side, which is where PHP excels.

PHP is used to create WordPress and many other popular applications since it is open source, accessible, and compatible with any Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP server.

Ruby is much more demanding than PHP because it relies on other processes to function and often refuses to start if there are any problems.


There are three prerequisites before you can begin:

For programmers, this means using an IDE.
Ruby, Rails, and GIT Setup on Your Machine, as well as Access to a Ruby-Compatible Web Server (Heroku)
Let me break it down for you.
What we mean when we say “IDE” is a text editor that can understand the code you type into it. Currently, I’m utilizing Github’s free Atom editor. It’s available for free on

The IDE is where you can compose the code. You can use a simple text editor like Notepad or Notepad++. Still, more advanced tools like Atom or Visual Studio will give you access to the language’s full capabilities (linting, etc.).

The next step is to set up your development environment with Ruby, Rails, and GIT. Ruby is the language we’ll be using (nothing will run without it), Rails is the framework upon which we’ll be constructing our web app, and GIT is the SCM (Source Code Management) system we’ll utilize to upload our modifications to the server.

Heroku (, a fully managed system for server technology, is the most convenient option. You can start for free and then pay a monthly fee for increased storage space, transfer rates, etc. Use a service like DigitalOcean if you’re comfortable with server setup.

It should be mentioned that Ruby-based apps cannot function on shared hosting environments. You’ll need GIT access (usually via SSH), and the server must have Ruby installed and running. Unfortunately, this is not possible with shared hosting.

Setting up Ruby and Rails

To develop a Ruby on Rails app, you must first download and install Ruby and Rails.

While the specifics of how to accomplish this vary by the operating system (Windows, Linux, etc.), the following are universally applicable steps:

Set up Ruby
Either the source code is used or a pre-compiled version is used. If you’re on Windows, you must download and install everything separately.
Get RubyGems Setup
The “gems” are Ruby’s supplementary libraries, and this set of protocols is the foundation for installing them. Ruby web developers rely on these gems to facilitate various tasks. This rich range of add-on features is a big reason why Ruby became so popular in the first place. One such gem is Rails.
Build-Tools Setup

The “build-essential” library must be installed on Unix computers, whereas on Windows, you’ll need the MSYS2 toolset. These two things equip the system with the instruments to assemble its many self-building jewels (like MYSQL2 and RMagick).
Rails Setup
Then, to install rails, type “gem install rails” into a command prompt. This will download and establish the Rails framework on your machine, allowing you to begin developing with it.
Install an IDE

The program used to enter code into the system is called an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Even though they’re merely fancy text editors, they offer helpful features like linting, code highlighting, and more. We use Atom, although there are many other text editors out there. You could avoid using Notepad if you’re confident in your abilities.
Set up GIT

To put it simply, GIT is a tool for managing code repositories. You can make a “repository” and then upload its contents to a remote web server. This is the primary method through which Ruby code is “pushed” to servers, and it is essentially like an improved version of File Transfer Protocol (FTP). GIT is a standalone program that needs to be installed on your computer (from
Jump into Coding

Once you have the components above set up, you can begin developing. Enter “rails new [[app name]]” on the command prompt after navigating to a new folder. Pressing “Enter” will save the default application files to your hard drive, where you may make changes and run tests on a local server. Your application will begin with this section.
The First Steps

Without getting too technical, the most important thing to remember with Rails applications is that they are turnkey.

“Convention over configuration” is a convention used in Rails. In other words, the Rails framework was made to provide you with everything you need to create and launch a successful online app.

When a request is sent to the application, it utilizes a “model,” “view,” and “controller” to construct a response, hence the name “MVC” model framework (model, view, controller).

Therefore, many directories will appear shortly after you establish the new Rails application on your PC. Those in the /app directory are the only ones (at least initially) that will be used.

The folders “assets,” “views,” “models,” and “controllers” can all be found in this one. If none of this makes sense, please don’t fret. Here, I’ll break out the fundamentals of how everything operates.

The use of MVC dates back quite a while.

Every implementation follows the same rules:

When a request comes in, the app sends it to a controller.
The controller then formats the view with the information retrieved from the model (which communicates with the database).
The user’s perspective is restored.
The “view” in Rails applications is an HTML file into which the application’s model data is inserted. The following is a possible initialization for a “hello world”-style program:
Root “application#show” in #config/routes.rb.


action controller base class application controller

indisputable evidence

User.first.@name =




Greetings, %= @name.first%>


ActiveRecord::Base class User

# binds to the database

id | first | last | dob | created_at | updated_at are all part of the # has schema.


With this information, you may request “” and obtain the first database user’s first name.

Web Page Content Being Uploaded

Pushing to a live server is the last step in the setup process.

While setting up your virtual private server (you’ll need a VPS because shared hosting doesn’t provide SSH access or support Ruby applications) is an option, using Heroku right now is the quickest and easiest method to get started.

When releasing a new web app, it’s best practice to set up a “staging” server for internal testing before launching it to the public on a “production” server. We continue to use Heroku for this purpose. I’ve lost track of the development server too many times.

I’ll quickly go over everything you need to know to push to an accessible Heroku server:

Create an account with Heroku (you may be asked for payment information; don’t worry, the free plan has no strings attached). We need to verify your identity to prevent you from creating illicit sites.
Make them an “app” for their control panel.
When you launch the app, it will provide you with a “git” URL.
Make sure to paste this link into your Rails app.
For example, it adds remote Heroku CMD. Insert the git URL Heroku provided you with in place of “[[heroku link]].”
Key in the entry prompt
Put together a release of your software (git add). “First Push” commit using git commit -am

Next, write “git push heroku master” and hit Enter after you’ve entered these lines.
After you log in, the repository will be uploaded to Heroku.
Heroku will next “deploy” the completed application to its domain ([[app-name] Heroku app com).
You can view the application by navigating to this alias.
After that, you’ll have to manage your deployment protocol however you see fit. I recommend using Heroku for your servers in a development or staging environment, whereas you should utilize a service like DigitalOcean in production.
In Related News

Web app development, of course, is constantly evolving.

Ruby on Rails development is famous because of its low entry barrier (free) and abundant resources.

But don’t be fooled by it. Your skill set and access to a market are the two most important determinants of earning potential in this field.

Many aspiring programmers have their hopes dashed when they join the “real world” and find that their clients don’t care about the quality of the code they pay you to write and instead want the cheapest solution that barely functions.

Rails developers need to continue expanding their knowledge base by learning new languages. Because of its ease of use, Ruby has spoiled many programmers. More secure job opportunities become available as one advances the programming value chain (C, C++, etc.).

Therefore, I advise constantly challenging yourself to investigate novel user interface (UI) concepts, approaches, and methods and upgrade your skill set as needed. Participate in hackathons to expand your network of contacts in the computing sector. As you grow, you should be able to take advantage of these circumstances.

Check out Michael Hart’s Rails tutorial to learn more about Ruby on Rails. GoRails is also a helpful site because it provides numerous in-depth training.

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