Forbidden Archaeological Discoveries presents archeological finds that defy timelines and theories, such as spherical stone implements that were actually sophisticated navigational astrolabes. One chapter, for instance, details this find. The Interesting Info about Ancient Civilizations Secrets.
Other discoveries have revealed the skulls of 80 young girls buried beneath an ancient Chinese pyramid as possible sacrifices to Hebo, a vital river god.
The Ashkelon Baby Bones
Ross Voss made a startling discovery while exploring one of Ashkelon’s sewer systems: small bones initially suspected as animal remains proved instead to belong to infants dating back to the Roman era; these remains were from one of the earliest mass graves ever discovered and continue to baffle scholars today.
Reminding ourselves that even highly developed societies such as ancient Rome had their share of problems is an eye-opener. At one time, they faced extreme poverty and crime; one hypothesis suggests this might have contributed to high infanticide rates among Roman society members.
One theory suggests these infants were the offspring of sex workers killed by their employers, as evidenced by the fact that the sewer in which they were buried was beneath a bathhouse and found nearby; erotic pottery was also present near this location. Unfortunately, however, this remains only speculation until further research can establish a connection between these infants and their mothers or employers’ behaviors and this tragedy.
In Forbidden Archaeological Discoveries, Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson explore numerous archaeological finds deemed “forbidden” by scientific authorities. This book is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand more about our history or origins.
The Stone Age Artifacts
Archaeologists have made some remarkable discoveries while exploring the Stone Age. One such discovery came from Sanxingdui in China, where hunter-gatherers buried thousands of gold and jade objects that may have been worn during certain sacrificial ceremonies, such as this half-pound golden mask found during one sacrificial pit.
Cave artists of the Stone Age created extraordinary works of art that continue to amaze modern viewers. Lascaux cave artists’ art taught us much about perspective, movement, impressionism, abstraction, and pointillism; moreover, these pieces date back 17,000 years!
Hunter-gatherers were nomadic people who lived during the Stone Age and relied on hunting animals for food. Although they did not possess the resources or ability to develop permanent settlements or transition into agriculture, archaeological findings indicate that hunter-gatherers developed more advanced wood processing technologies than initially assumed; one innovation included fine stone blades for spear ends.
Other discoveries have also altered how scientists view human history. For example, traces on a wooden artifact found at a marine isotope stage 3 site appear to show humans sharpened it; if this evidence is accurate, it will alter scientists’ understanding of Stone Age tools as well as indicate a more gradual agricultural society development than had previously been assumed.
The Sasquatch
The romantic notion that there may still be remnants of early humans living in remote areas today collides with reality: such a creature would be impossible to hide from modern technology in an increasingly globalized environment where every corner has been explored, and the technological gadgets constantly look out for any sign of life – especially creatures like Sasquatches that remain unseen by official authorities despite our modern methods of detection. Discover the best info about the Science Behind The Paranormal.
Some of the more absurd explanations for Sasquatch (known by Sts’ailes people as caskets) include links with UFOs or extraterrestrial visitors, aliens, or shape-shifters; such speculation has furthered an atmosphere of ridicule and detritus surrounding this topic, keeping scientists (understandably) away from discussing such claims directly.
As smartphones have advanced over time, photographs of trees, mountains, sunsets, and deer have become more detailed, yet Bigfoot remains obscure, possibly because people see what they want to see. Patty, one of the more well-known alleged Sasquatch victims described by many accounts, allegedly as being jet black with long arms that reach almost to the ground – perhaps an attempt at portraying her as some animal-human hybrid; in reality, long arms tend to indicate ape-like proportions and unlikely.
The Precambrian Artifacts
Cremo asserts in her book that modern palaeoanthropologists employ double standards when accepting fossil evidence; those that fit within standard theory tend to be readily accepted, while any anomalous discoveries undergo extensive scrutiny before being admitted as evidence.
A significant portion of this book focuses on evaluating reports of modern human bones found in Precambrian strata. Such claims are complicated to assess since there is no scientific proof for them – instead, these observations rely on unsupervised native collectors bringing specimens directly to scientists for analysis.
The Precambrian period encompasses most of Earth’s history and includes the Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic eons. At this time, Earth’s landscape constantly changed as continents and oceans moved around each other; additionally, creatures living during this time lacked complex body parts like skeletons or eyes to provide protection.
Fossils from the Precambrian are scarce. Of all periods known, only the Acasta Gneiss dates back 4.2 billion years! Additionally, the only formation from this period that contains fossils is microbial stromatolites; these provide us with a glimpse of early life forms that once lived within its murky waters.