How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off


Jill Fleming discusses weight loss results in this article, including how to get and keep them. Jill Fleming is a registered dietitian, and the author of Thin People Don’t Finish What They Eat.

Why don’t you give me the results, Kevin? I enjoy learning the outcome. Feedback on products is always welcome. Why don’t you tell me about one or two persons whose lives you’ve helped to improve drastically?

Jill: When I teach 8-week weight-loss classes in my community, I keep track of my students for two years after they finish the classes, measuring and weighing them at regular intervals to see how much of a difference the types made between when they started and when they finished.

Two years, Kevin? Wow!

Two years, Jill. We had a 92% success rate, which is lovely, but after two years, people started moving away and weren’t interested in coming back in. That’s when I realized I wanted to write a book so that others could benefit from what I’d learned. The funny thing is when I talk to large groups about how to improve their health, lose weight, feel better, and have more energy, usually only one or two people take the information to heart. A month later, I’ll get an email saying, “I’m 56 years old — I just got this two days ago — – 56 years old and never thought I could lose weight and gave away all of my smaller-sized c.” I added to breakfast, and now everyone wants to know my secret. All because I started starting my day with a smoothie and my lunch with a salad. They heard us out, picked up a nugget or two about where they were lacking in their Wellness Triangle, and are now well on their way to achieving their goals. All hope was lost, and they accepted that. The group first doubted their abilities.

I had a guy in my neighborhood who took my weight-loss class the first time and then again and again. He’s within ten pounds of his ideal weight after losing 115, and he emailed me about a month ago to say that he’s maintained 105, but the other ten came back on, and he will get that ten off again. He had decided to get gastric bypass surgery. Because of his insatiable appetite, I managed to dissuade him. He shares my passion for food, so I warned him that he would be forced to give it up. Because of the restrictions on how much and what you can consume, this is not a sustainable way of life for you. Yes, he did. His favorite pastime is grilling outside. He consumes less of the heavy stuff and loads up on the greens.

OK, Kevin.

Jill: He is so inspiring that I ask him, “How did you do that again?” repeatedly because he works out regularly and never seems tired. Just what are you doing?

Yes, Kevin said.

Jill: Explain that to me again, please. What specific detail most impressed you? The intriguing part is that it’s unique to each individual.

Yes, Kevin said.

Jill: You may compare what Dennis had to do to what I had to do to what someone else who wants to lose weight has to do, and then decide which piece of advice will have the most significant positive impact on your life.

Kevin: How did you determine a success rate of 92%? How did they decide?

Jill: No more than 2 pounds over their final weight can be gained.

Excellent, Kevin thought.

Jill: Most folks went on to lose even more weight because even though we only had them for three months (we performed an 8-week session with a one-month follow-up), the adjustments they made in that time were ones they have kept for the rest of their lives. They claimed they could never eat the same way again now that they knew so much more and felt much better.

Incredible! Kevin

Jill: That is the most crucial point. It’s not enough to wear thin jeans and feel confident. It all comes down to how much juice you’ve got. Caffeine and other chemical stimulants aren’t necessary to maintain wakefulness and alertness. Doing so will come quickly to you.

Yes, Kevin said. When you consider that 98% of people who lose weight regain it, your 92% success rate seems astounding.

Jill: Our sessions went well since I could tailor them to each student’s needs and help them visualize how they would work into the overall framework. Not only abandon their current way of life in favor of the plan but also add modest changes inspired by the thin choices routine. That one was simple, and I didn’t give everything at once if they weren’t having breakfast. Let’s get breakfast and water sorted out today, I suggested. Those are the only tasks for this week; following Monday, we’ll assess your progress and decide whether or not to add more. That’s the main point, at least in my opinion. Finding the source of the person’s stress is the first step in helping them stop eating when they’re not hungry. You must assist the stressed individual in understanding what steps they can take to eliminate or reduce their stress. They could benefit from some yoga or meditation. When they are no longer overwhelmed by their anxiety, they can better focus on the other aspects of their lives.

Kevin: Of course, it’s not all about that, either. In all honesty, I have no idea. It makes no difference what sort of stress they’re under or what they’re doing. All that’s needed is for them to see it. Correct?

Exactly, Jill. Maybe we should investigate your sadness if you’re comforting yourself with food. Why is that, exactly? Is it because you spend the winters in Wisconsin, where there is comparatively little daylight? Rather than relying on food, perhaps a solar lamp would help. It’s been approximately two years since I went through it. When the sun failed to appear for 25 consecutive days, I became depressed and wondered what was wrong with me. About seven pounds were added to my frame, and I had no luck losing them. I concluded that I needed more time in the sun, so I took a trip. I found myself gravitating toward the window as soon as we passed through a break in the Minneapolis clouds; I know now that the sun is essential to my well-being. I used to comfort eat if stressed, so I now organize winter trips to get me out of the house and away from the cold.

Kevin: It’s fascinating to see how hints about your health emerge as you go along.

Jill: Yeah, and I thought it was so fascinating that nobody else noticed the dim lighting inside my home but me. Being alone led me to believe that my sanity was being threatened. To myself, “Do I need drugs?” What do I require? What, more chocolate? I couldn’t think straight, so all I could focus on was desperately needing chocolate.

Right, Kevin?

Jill: Still, the sun is truly incredible. Okay, I thought. That’s exactly what I needed, and I feel like I’m getting to know myself more daily. All you need to do is be receptive to your body’s information.

Yes, Kevin said. Excellent counsel, indeed. What’s the harm in…

Jill: Maybe it was simply the vitamin D I was missing, but I’d ponder the issue while lazing on a beach instead.

Yes, Kevin said. Spend that time exercising.

Jill: Totally.

Kevin: If you want people to learn more about you and what you do, why don’t you tell them?

Jill: Alright. I maintain a website. In addition to the website, the book Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates is available there. Although it is not explicitly stated on the website, a Lifestyle Diary is automatically included in the shipment of every copy of Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates.

Excellent, thought Kevin.

Jill: An essential tool, the Lifestyle Diary is a little notebook (about five by 4 inches) that you may keep in your bag or back pocket and use to record your daily activities. People who want to get the free download from the website can do so, and it will print out on standard-sized 8-by-11-inch paper; from there, they can begin documenting their progress. Spend a month monitoring it. After three or four days of tracking, you will likely identify areas to improve. Once you start making these changes, you will find they are almost too simple. Because of them, I can keep going with my work.

Fantastic, Kevin. I appreciate you telling me that, Jill. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to us about this; I know how valuable your time is.

Jill: Thank you very much. The game is a lot of fun. It’s rewarding to know that something you love can make a difference in the lives of others.

Kevin: I agree, and I also think what you’ve described sounds so simple that it almost has to be easy.

Jill: It is that simple. In my opinion, we’ve artificially inflated the difficulty associated with slimming down. Get off the diet. Become attuned to your physical needs. Everything depends on the decisions you make.


Hosted by Kevin Gianni, “Renegade Health Show” is a daily health show altering people’s perspectives on health for the better. The health activist, author, and film consultant all bear his name. He has aided tens of thousands of people in more than twenty-one nations through his online health teleseminars on The Healthiest Year of Your Life []. And he also wrote the book “The Busy Person’s Fitness Solution” with another guy.

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