How Would Jesus Arrange Homeschool Lessons?


The practice of homeschooling is controversial. I want to propose another shift in perspective: rethinking how you structure your homeschool day.

Our inquiry has been, “What would Jesus do?” Furthermore, “How would Jesus teach?” Let us now inquire, “How would Jesus plan His schedule?” Jesus’ long-term aims were obvious, yet He honed His responsive skills daily. He made prayer a regular habit and let the needs of those around him determine his schedule. He looked at people’s needs as invitations to serve. We need to pray for God to give us the wisdom to plan according to our faith.

Help us accurately count our days so that we mature and wisely use the time we have left.

Psalm 90:12

The prayer “Teach us to number our days” appeals to God to open our eyes to the brevity of life so that we can find purpose in living and make the most of our time. Giving God control of your schedule should be your top priority. God owns both the day and the night (Psalm 74:16).

God has promised to lead those who put their trust in Him. Follow his guidance. Your family’s spiritual development can only benefit from this fantastic chance. If you trust God, He will make it clear to you through occurrences in your life. When you put your trust in Him, amazing things will occur.

The arrival at the Promised Land starts a brand new life. In our homeschooling allegory, “making it to the Promised Land” means trusting God with all aspects of your education, from planning to grading. Now we’ll look to the book of Joshua for guidance on trusting God’s timing and direction as we organize our days.

Joshua’s Time-Management Advice

The book of Joshua recounts the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan under God’s direction.

Joshua’s teachings show how picking the path of obedience leads to success and blessings while choosing the way of disobedience leads to failure and curses. Joshua was tasked with eradicating the Canaanites from the region. The Israelites were victorious against Ai after the battle of Jericho. The Gibeonites learned about Joshua’s successes. The Gibeonites, shaken by their fears, devised a strategy. They purported to be peacemakers from a distant land (not Canaan) who had come to make peace with Israel’s young. When Joshua and his troops saw them, they believed them (walking by sight/in the flesh) without consulting God first.

After promising not to murder the Gibeonites in a peace deal, Joshua was bound by that commitment (once an oath was taken, it could not be revoked). Yet he turned them into slaves. After learning that the Gibeonites had made peace with Joshua, Canaanite king Adonizedec sent news to his fellow monarchs, pleading for assistance in eliminating the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites begged Joshua to save them from Adonizecec’s oppression (Joshua 10:6-10). God reassured Joshua that He would lead Israel to victory (Joshua 10:7-8).

God let down hail on their foes as the battle got underway. He complied with Joshua’s request, and the day did not advance until their adversaries were vanquished.

Joshua’s Game Plan

Three factors contributed to Joshua’s victory in this battle. The three components of your daily academic schedule are as follows:

One putting faith in God’s promise (v. 8)

2. Making smart moves (v. 9)

The third is praying to God (vv. 10-15)

1. Having faith in God’s Word

God had already assured the Israelis of victory, so you need not be scared; God has promised to guide your steps. Put your full faith and reliance on the LORD, and rely not on your understanding. Recognize Him in everything; He’ll lead you in the right direction (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Trusting God and His promises will bring God’s intervention into our lives.

2. Making Strategic Decisions

I’m not advocating for winging it to your homeschool but rather approaching the process with prayer and humility before God. Putting your faith in God does not diminish the need for self-control or healthy routines. God has been preparing you for something great all along. Before your physical body was even completely established in your mother’s womb. He has been preparing you for a long time, just as he did for Joshua and the things that would eventually be his. You’ll want to schedule things out but also leave room for the unexpected so you can respond to your kids’ needs and fulfill their wishes.

The Heart of Wisdom strategy demands rigidity and adaptability in its framework and goals. The four-year plan provides a structure for organizing your studies and activities by your beliefs. Any course of study would work well with this arrangement. The timetable is designed to be flexible so that you may respond to your child’s interests.

Invoking God in Worship

“Every major action of God may be traced to a kneeling figure,” D. L. Moody once said. The first step in preparation is prayer, just as the first step in daily Bible study is prayer. Follow the example set in Colossians 1:19–12. Inquire of the Lord:

To instruct you in His will with all spiritual knowledge, and


That you would see success in all that you do;

* That your understanding of God might deepen;

* That you would be fortified with strength beyond your wildest imagination by the awesomeness of His mighty power; and

• That you might be grateful to the Father, who has made it possible for you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the kingdom of light.

Have doubts about your spiritual strength?

If you prioritize studying God’s Word every homeschooling day, you won’t have to worry about finding time to strengthen your faith. Developing a habit of relying on God will become routine. If you spend time daily in His Word, your trust in Him will increase. If you put your faith in God and follow His commands, He will grant your wishes.

In his book, Learning to Live by Faith, Charles Stanley wrote, “Having faith is not something we must strive for. It’s the natural byproduct of a heartfelt devotion to God. It’s as ordinary as breathing in the air. Our connection with God and Christ depends on faith. Jesus Christ, not self, must be the center of a believer’s life. The smallest amount of faith is the belief that “God can.” A strong conviction that accepts God’s will. Total confidence that God is responsible for the outcome.”

Believe Expands

One of my married daughters and I talked about the importance of patience and waiting on God. She remarked on my firm belief in God and shared her fears that she lacked the faith to rely on him as her guide in homeschooling. I told her that the more time we spend with the Lord, the stronger our faith becomes. A person’s faith develops as they become more aware of God’s ongoing involvement.

I’m turning fifty this year, and I’ve seen God provide for my needs and answer my prayers for many years. Christ is constant, so I can always rely on Him. It doesn’t mean I’m content with my current faith, though. Like all of us, I fall far short of the confidence God requires of me. But I am pleased because I trust in Jesus as my Savior and see Him at work in my life.

My faith and trust are in God. Therefore, I patiently wait. Jesus alone is my salvation and my rock, my stronghold in a world of uncertainty. God alone is responsible for my redemption and my dignity. He protects me like a fortress from all assaults. Believe in Him always, my people. Give God everything you’ve got because he’s worth it. -Psalm 62: 5-8.

Worry about nothing, but everything, by praying and supplicating to God with gratitude. God’s peace will protect your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, which surpasses all understanding. Bible verses: Philippians 4:6-7.

The two emotions, fear, and faith, are mutually exclusive.

Faith and fear are incompatible emotions that produce opposite results. You can’t sit about fretting that God isn’t going to show you the way because you’re waiting on Him to do it. The opposite of faith is fear, which is based on a lack of trust in God’s promises and might. God has promised to guide my steps because I take joy in Him, and I have faith that He will keep this promise since He always has in the past. My husband takes care of the monthly bill paying. He never forgets, and I never have to remind him. He has proven trustworthy and is just a man, so I have no reason to doubt his word that he will handle it. God always keeps His word and does what He says He will do. Faith is strengthened when we consider everything He has done and acknowledge all He is doing.

A person’s faith might inspire others to have more confidence. Just like physical strength increases with use and decreases with inactivity, faith also grows stronger with practice. The assurance and tranquility that come from putting our trust in God are the results of prayer and the study and obedience to God’s Word. Maintaining our faith requires constant effort. It’s a reoccurring pattern. Your faith will grow as you seek God more and more.

This passage was taken from Robin Sampson’s “The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Method.”

Twenty of Robin Sampson‘s years have been spent teaching her children at home. She is the proud grandmother of eleven children and thirteen grandkids from a “yours, mine, and ours” blended family. For further reading, please visit.

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