Google’s Blog Search Results: How Does It Work? It’s Nothing Like You Expect at All!


Optimizing Blogs for Search Engines and Search Results

Google’s Blog Search Results: How Does It Work? Not at all what you might expect!

Contrary to popular belief, Google does not use relevance signals to rank blogs. Search engine optimization, as we know it, does not apply to weblogs. I’ve been trying to outrank Google for months using blog posts with specific search phrases, social media promotion, and inbound links. Then I learned the truth about Google’s blog rankings and what it means for your site’s visibility and readership.

Let’s explore the Google patent and discover how search engine optimization (SEO) works with Google and blogs.

In this piece, we will…

Blog SEO and How Google Rates Blogs

2. The number of people who subscribe to your blog through services like Google Reader and Technorati.

Third, by the number of blogrolls, you are included in and the caliber of the blogs that link to you.

4. The number of times people click on your Google search result.

Using metrics like the number of times a post has been Dugg or liked on Facebook, etc.

The percentage of total conversational mentions that include your URL.

7. The number and quality of links included in a blog post.

If you have a lot of followers in Google Reader and Technorati, Google will take notice of your blog.

Google is reading your RSS feeds.

Based on a patent by Google:

A blog post’s level of popularity may be indicative of its quality. People can subscribe to a blog document (via its feed) at any one of several news aggregator sites, also known as “news readers” or “feed readers.” Such aggregators track how many people have subscribed to various blog posts. If many people have subscribed to a blog post, you can assume it’s of good quality. Validating unique users who subscribed, or screening unique Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of the subscribers, can also help against “subscription spam” (in which spammers subscribe to their blog documents to make them “more popular”).

In other words, Google will evaluate you based on how many people subscribe to your Google Reader feed. In terms of market share, Google Reader has approximately 60%. They do the arithmetic to figure out the remaining 40%. The number of people that have subscribed to your

Your blog’s visibility and traffic can be gauged through Technorati.

You’ll find a button on the left side of your Google Reader page labeled “+ Add Subscription.” When you click the button, a search input field will appear. If you use the name of the blog instead of the URL, a list of blogs will show in descending order of readership.

If you wish to narrow the results for your blog’s name, you can use the notation “.

SEO Advice for Blogs

Put an extensive Google search button on the top right of your site. I have just begun trying out a Google button on the popup forms of my email newsletters.

Google’s webmasters, click here to add your site. How to add a button to Google Reader.

Since the code for the Technorati button is more elusive, I include it here.

The Technorati picture is seen here. It’s as easy as right-clicking the image and choosing “save picture as” to save it to your computer. The next step is to post it online. Change the code’s img src= location to where the image is stored.

image source = “”

The add to MyYahoo button builder can be accessed at [].

Furthermore, many proficient bloggers now include an “If you found this post useful, why not add my RSS feed” link at the end of their articles.

How many blogrolls you’re included in, and how high-quality they affect your blog’s ranking on Google?

Based on a patent by Google:

Similarly, having the blog document featured on the blogroll of a famous or reputable blogger may indicate its high quality. In this case, we can safely infer that the famous blogger will never recommend another spammy blogger.

So, let’s discuss blog rolls. Consider this your blog equivalent of a “friends” list. There are three components at play.

How frequently is your blog included in blog lists? Quantity is important.

The caliber of the blogs included in blogrolls that fit you.

The caliber of the blog that includes your site on its blogroll.

Avoid engaging in link exchanges with other blogs in your blogroll. Incoming one-way links that aren’t reciprocated by outgoing links carry a higher weight with Google.

You need to be included on blogrolls that are heavy with influential people. You should only link to the best blogs in your niche on your blog roll.

SEO Advice for Blogs

There is no connection exchange happening here. There is some data suggesting that having a reciprocal blogroll can affect your blog’s rankings.

Google calculates your blog’s ranking based on how often people click on its search engine result.

The title tag is the headline in search engines, so make it count.

Based on a patent by Google:

The blog post’s suggested popularity can be detected. The click stream of search results is one way to see this indicated popularity. For instance, if one blog document is more frequently clicked on than others when it shows in search results, this could mean its popularity and, by extension, its quality.

Have you ever searched and then repeated it, only to see different results at the top this time?

That’s Google gauging the effectiveness of your post’s title tag and the snippet it extracts from the main body.

Believe me; Google is keeping tabs on our every move.

Search Engine Optimization Method for Blogs

Make your title tag a value-added headline by adding benefits. Create a title tag that offers something of value to the reader or uses scare tactics by outlining a problem that the reader will need to overcome.

And the latter is what you should do. Humans lack initiative; they do not seek to prevent issues. They have a problem, so they turn to search engines for help.

My blog did poorly in search engine results, so I’m penning this page. Since yours didn’t work either, you’ve found this.

Before we realized our blog’s poor performance in search engine results pages (SERPs), did we use Google to learn how to improve its SERP ranking?

So I titled my article “Why Blogs Don’t Rank Well in Google.” This is the term I typed into a search engine to uncover the material that inspired me to start this blog.

Google uses metrics like the number of social bookmarks and Duggs to determine a blog’s popularity. SEO is significantly impacted by social media marketing.

Based on a patent by Google:

“The number of tags attached to a blog post may indicate the post’s quality. To “categorize” a blog post, users can add “tags” on several platforms. Custom categorizations are a good sign since they show that someone read the blog document and thought that one or more categories were a good fit for the information presented in the post.

It’s safe to assume that Google is doing more than counting the number of bookmarks on social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Blinklist.

Google keeps tabs on the number of times our content gets dugg, the quality of the user, and the tags used in the original Digg.

Have you ever checked links and found that Digg posts did not appear? They will appear in a keyword search when you have five to ten Diggs or the Digg page itself, sometimes even before your original article.

Google’s blog rankings are based on how often people talk about your URL.

Think of Gmail…

Based on a patent by Google:

It’s possible that the quality of a blog post can be gauged by the number of times it’s linked to other credible websites. For instance, the text of emails or chat logs may include links to blog posts or other documents. Discussions in which the blog document is referenced via email or chat indicate its quality.

Google checks your inbox. Everyone’s Google chats are monitored. Always keeping track of how often your URL appears.

Search Engine Optimization Method for Blogs

This highlights the importance of avoiding tracking links in list-based email communications. If you use unique URLs to track how many people visit your site, Google may view that as a negative signal.

The number and quality of links inside an article determine Google’s blog rankings.

The anchor text of these in-text links also influences search engine optimization. It’s okay to reference other blogs; don’t be shy.

I believe the standard of the blogs to which you provide links within the post’s main text also has a significant role in the post’s and blog’s overall visibility.

If you aren’t willing to link to blogs that are better than yours, I think Google will assume that you aren’t confident in the quality of your writing.

It’s also possible that Google will interpret a low link count in a blog post as evidence that you’re not doing any actual research but instead just creating useless landing sites.

Using Feedburner appears to improve your Google rankings, which is something that isn’t explicitly stated in the Google patent.

Using only Feedburner analytics appears to improve your search engine results page (SERP) ranking now that Google owns FeedBurner.

If tracking more subscribers in Google Reader improves your rankings, then tracking more subscribers in Feedburner also improves your rankings.

Do you want to know more about Google and how social media marketing may help you dominate search engines? You know that, right?

Advice and resources for boosting visibility and search engine results placement.

Check out Chris Lang’s blog on social media marketing and networking.

Read also: Do you understand why you pay your SEO company every month?