Preparing the Travel Stock Take photographs – What The Photographer Needs to do To Maximize Profit


In this article I’ll talk about:

Where to go

When to proceed

A money-saving device

Pre-Trip Research, and

Creating a Capturing Schedule.

Where to Go

The first element in deciding where to go on your journey stock shoot is your spending budget. You can’t travel further than your own wallet will take you. That may imply traveling somewhere close to label starters. Also, your level of encounter may contribute to your choice of location. If you don’t have a lot of experience firing travel stock and/or if you do not already have a sales wall plug for your product, you may like to limit your expenditures which yet again means staying closer to the property. You can read all of the articles this way that there are, but there is no replacement for a real-time experience. Mistakes a huge number of miles from home can be higher priced than those made down typically the block.

If money isn’t any concern and you are comfortable with your ability then you ought to be looking to go to places there is a demand for pictures associated. You know the type of place, it really is where everybody wants to go. The hip and happening and the flights there are complete. You are looking for major tourist destinations, obviously. But keep in mind that a lot of the marketplace for photographs is made up of businesses, so think about company hot spots as well.

Generally, there aren’t really as many locations to go as you might think (although there are lifetimes worth with regard to me). You have to rule out the actual less traveled to and kind of lifeless spots. Forgive me with regard to writing this, but you cannot make a career out of marketing pictures of Cleveland. Likewise, beautiful but unfrequented travel destinations do not make for hot sellers.

We once photographed a gorgeous area on the big Island involving Hawaii, near Kona. The pictures were mystical and esoteric and I thought pretty excellently. I’ve never sold one too. No one knows where which place is. On the other hand, these routine pictures of Waikiki sell all the time. People find out about it and want to go to, that spot.

You need to pick a location using icons, things, or spots that people look at and quickly identify with a place. The Gold Gate Bridge is a star of San Francisco, and Instances Square of the New York Area. You are going to end up selling images that are your interpretation of this icon, of the scene in which everyone knows. One of the reasons that Cleveland doesn’t work is that it has no recognized icons (folks all over the world recognize Times Square). To maximize your own personal travel stock investment involving funds, you should choose an area that has more than one icon. Nyc has the Statue of Freedom too.

I photograph towns. To my mind, there are not many cities in the world that meets these criteria. In the United States only New York City, Los Angeles, the Bay area, Boston, and Washington POWER work. Maybe Chicago as well. Miami would as well however the only real icon there is Southern Beach (I still choose scuba diving in the Keys though). Cities in the USA other than they have too little demand for images and too few recognizable icons. Remorseful Cleveland.

When To Go

Your decision on when to go is much less obvious than the one upon where to go.

Unless you are taking photos of a beach!

If you are going to a holiday destination where the main function is surfing and sunlight, then you pretty much have to go in the event the sun is shining and also blue skies abound. A photo of a beach on an overcast day has limited requirements. The major selling point in this form of image is the large vista of blue sky. You will have to travel to that seashore in season and of course, that means high prices and plenty of crowds. That is just the approach it is.

For any other spot that you photograph, I am going to claim that you not only do not need a lot of suns but that choosing the off-season and getting climate effects can be very positive. Positive, blue skies are good, but fog and rainwater, and snow can make for a fantastic mood. That mood can easily separate your images from your competition and ultimately cause them to become more saleable. Some of our best-selling (and favorite from your creative perspective) photographs have been taken while I was putting wet or frozen together with snow.

Look to go areas off-season. They are cheaper and you should have fewer people inside your way.

You should also consider the effect the season will have on the range of hours of daylight for the location. In New York City in the winter months, you are going to be finished filming by six or eight pm latest. It’s far too dark after that outside (Of course, you can always move on the inside. You also get the most people driving during the 5 to 6 pm rush hour time frame, just as dusk is plummeting. That can be good or undesirable depending on the type of image you intend to create. Either way, you should insurance policy for seasonal effects when working out when you are going.

A Discount Tip

My big get into travel stock taking pictures came when I found the airline that offered a new multi-destination package for an absurdly low fare. Cathay Pacific provided me raise with their All Asia Cross. At the time, I could go to the many cities they served (I think there were 19) within a three-week period to get $999. Thus, for a huge, I was able to add often the icons of Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangkok, Seoul, Manila in addition to Singapore to my microfiche. I added on Shanghai in china for another $300. It was merely two or three days in each and every city, but that was just about all I needed to shoot the important images. Cathay Pacific continues to offer the All Asia Complete for about $1, 300 which usually remains a great price.

At the very least you think that this is an advertisement for Cathay Pacific (it’s not if it were I had included a link) I have seen other air carriers do the same type of items. Singapore Airlines, for example, has already established a three-city package that features Singapore for around $1, 3 hundred. Qantas is currently offering a 3 Australian city deal for approximately $1, 200 (from LAX), and my favorite, Air Tahiti Nui will fly one to Tahiti, New Zealand, and also Sydney Australia for about $1, 400 (again out of LAX).

I like to travel in Parts of Asia so I keep track of Asian bargains. If you are more European oriented you might want to track the Western European carriers to see what they offer you. Forget the USA carriers, they know the meaning of the concept bargain (or service because of that matter).

Pre-Trip Exploration

So you have decided where you intend when you are going and I hope a great airfare that will bring you there and a lot of other places likewise. Next, before you even think of setting foot outside your house you have to research your desired destination. It is essential that you know what it is you are going to shoot.

You should try to find this information in two areas.

First, you should get the Perception Guides guidebook to the place you are going. I use the particular Insight Guides over the other folks because they have high-quality pics, often of the icons you might shoot and, most times, atlases showing where the icons usually are. They also contain historical in addition to cultural information about your chosen position. It is my belief this having this historical in addition to the cultural background will help you make better images.

The second reference is the one you have to work with. Go to the website of the major photo agency in the world to check out what type of pictures they have from a destination. Go to seek under “creative” and connect the name of where you are going. Have a look at ALL of the pictures. Every single one. There might be thousands but you could get a better return from this training than from anything else that you simply do. Take notes. If you like a graphic or see lots of pics of the same place (which is the best cue that you should go there too) click on it. The caption will always tell you what the well-known is and sometimes it will perhaps give you an address (if it doesn’t, go back to the Awareness Guide).

Creating a Shooting Program

Now that you know what icons you might photograph, you have to think about if you find yourself going to shoot them. Usually are your subjects inside as well as outside. If inside draught beer is only accessible during a number of hours of the day. If they are outdoor, you can only shoot these individuals at dawn and at the grave. Trust me on this one, as well as look at the pictures on Getty. You are competing against great pictures. If yours aren’t going to be terrific they will never easily sell. The only way to get terrific pics is with great light. Midday light sucks. Don’t perhaps bother taking an outdoor graphic at noon. The only fair light is at dawn however dusk. Schedule inside shoots out during the day when you can capitalize on daylight streaming inside through windows.

Write down over a calendar the days that you will be in location and then fill in what you would like to shoot at the start and at dusk each day. And then fill in the interior daylight places. It is okay to take a mini-vacation during the day. Also, if you have got a long flight it is a good plan to take off the day you happen to be traveling. Your energy level will probably be much improved from this relaxation for the time when you are taking pictures later.

Your schedule does not be carved in natural stone and you will often find many reasons to deviate from it. Nevertheless, the exercise of creating the plan will help you prioritize your capture subjects and force you to think about the kind of light (dawn or dusk) that you want to be able to shoot them in.

Bear in mind when constructing your plan, that outdoor shoots can only be achieved at dawn and sunset. I’m repeating myself since it is important. Also, if you are going to capture dusk city views, don’t schedule it to get a Friday, Saturday, or Saturday. There is less office building lighting on those days which may serve to reduce the impact of your respective image. Instead, on days past, go out and shoot regional markets or places folks frequent when they have a mini-vacation.


Shooting travel inventory photos is an extremely competitive enterprise. Lots and lots of people take action and still more want to. Bear in mind that the glamor and the chance to travel the world with be employed as an excuse and you start to realize why so many people want to do it. It is usually a very expensive way to earn a living. Airfares, hotel rooms, meals out of the house, and the cost of the dog sitter, will add up. So each and every holiday you take should be properly researched and planned. Often the objectives should always be to minimize your personal expenses while maximizing often the sales potential of your photographs.

Good luck and happy filming. Read also: Getting the Passport – How and exactly Kind?